Swedish Aircraft - Retired Swedish single-seat, single-engine, short-medium-range fighter. Development work on this type began at Saab in 1952, and with the choice of a radical delta wing configuration, the aircraft first flew in 1967. on February 8, and was put into use in 1971. June 21 This is the first canard design. number
In Europe, the fighter, although slower than the earlier MiG-21bis, was used until the Panavia Tornado entered service in 1981.
Swedish Aircraft
Several Vig variants were produced for use as a fighter (AJ 37), aerial reconnaissance (SF 37), maritime patrol aircraft (SH 37) and two-seat trainer (Sk 37). The JA 37 variant of the all-weather fighter-interceptor aircraft was introduced in the late 1970s. in 2005 in November Vigg retired from Swedish Air Force service as sole operator and was replaced by the new Saab JAS 39 Grip.
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The first meaning refers to åskvig, which is now translated as "thunder". Traditionally, the word means "thunderstones", historical axes found in the ground during the Viking Age ("åsk-vigg" = "thunder"). The Scandinavians of this period believed that these axes were thrown into the ground by the thunderbolt of the god Thor, who hunted the giants with the war hammer Mjolnir.
These axes were believed to have the magical power to ward off lightning (because "lightning never strikes the same place twice"). However, over time the word changed to the Swedish equivalent Glish "thunder", so the name has a general meaning. However, the name Vig "thunderbolt" - since the prefix has lost the åsk and is precisely the Swedish form, should be translated as "bolt" - indicates this meaning.
Another meaning is wigg, the Swedish word for ground duck. This refers to its canard configuration, since "canard" is Fr.
The Vigg was originally designed for the Saab 32 Lans attack role and later as the Saab 35 Drak fighter.
Sweden's Skool Masters
In 1955, when Saab's Drak prototype, then the world's most aerodynamically advanced fighter, made its first flight, the Swedish Air Force formulated several requirements for its next fighter; Due to the specific nature of these requirements, a long development period was expected, with first flight expected no earlier than the middle of the next decade.
1952-1957 with Finnish aircraft designer Arne Lakomaa, the first studies were carried out on what would become the Vigg. More than 100 different wing designs were investigated in these studies, including single and double gin configurations, traditional and double delta wings, and canary wings. Ev VTOL designs with separate elevator units were considered, but were soon deemed unacceptable.
From the beginning, the Vigg was planned as an integrated weapon system that would work together with a new version of Sweden's national electronic air defense system STRIL-60. It has been used as the country's standard platform that can be effectively adapted to perform all tactical mission roles.
Other requirements included supersonic capability at low altitudes, Mach2 performance at high altitudes, and short landings at low angles of attack (so as not to damage improvised runways). The aircraft was also designed from the ground up to be easy to repair and maintain without requiring extensive personnel training.
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One of the essential requirements of the proposed aircraft is that it should only operate on short runways of 500 meters; it was part of the Bas 60 air base system introduced by the Swedish Air Force in the late 1950s. Bass 60 revolves around the force of deploying aircraft to military air bases, including operating reserve runways.
The use of partially destroyed runways was another factor that led to the STOL possibility. The Bas 60 was developed into the Bas 90 in the 1970s and 1980s, introducing shorter runways of just 800 meters.
After eliminating such operations, several strict requirements were placed on the design, including low landing speed, ignition, strong acceleration after landing, precise steering on icy surfaces, and high acceleration during flight.
1960 The US National Security Council, chaired by President Eischauer, formulated a security guarantee for Sweden, pledging US military support against a Soviet attack on Sweden. the two countries signed a military technology agreement. In what is known as "Annex 37", Sweden was given access to advanced US aircraft technology that allowed the Vigg to be produced faster and cheaper.
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Research by Nils Bruzelius of the Swedish National Defense College suggests that the reason for the undeclared US aid was to protect the US Polaris submarines stationed off the eastern coast of Sweden against threats from Soviet submarines.
The connection seems questionable due to the time scale, the strike version of the Wigg did not enter service until 1971, and the combat version of the Polaris retired in 1978.
In 1961 in December, the Swedish government approved the creation of the 37th aircraft system, which would eventually become Vigg.
Until 1962 all elements of the project have been developed or are almost completely developed; This includes the aircraft itself, power plant, power seats, instruments, intelligence systems, ground handling equipment and training equipment such as simulators.
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General configuration approval was granted in 1962. in February, and the development agreement was concluded in 1962. in October
According to aviation authors Bill Gunston and Peter Gilchrist, the project was "the largest industrial development project ever undertaken in Sweden".
In 1963 Saab completed the aerodynamic design of the aircraft; the aerodynamic configuration was radical: it combined a small delta wing with a small, high-mounted canard wing equipped with strong fins positioned in front of and slightly above the main wing. this would be considered the best solution to meet the conflicting requirements of STOL performance, supersonic speed, low turbulence sensitivity, and effective lift for subsonic flight.
Canards have become a common feature on fighter jets, notably the Eurofighter Typhoon, Dassault Rafale, Saab JAS 39 Grip and IAI Kfir, but mainly for airspeed rather than STOL capabilities.
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Further aerodynamic improvements included the addition of dog-tooth patterns to the main wing at the final stage of wing development, allowing for the removal of flared flaps from the wing. Using the grip reverse made short descents a success.
Saab ran the type with a single large turbofan engine during design. Initially, the British Rolls-Royce Medway engine was chosen for the Wigg engine, which was considered ideal for a supersonic engine with a fully modulated afterburner; However, the de Havilland Tridt de Havilland gin recycling aircraft has been canceled due to scaled-down versions during development.
Instead of the Medway, Saab took a license from the Volvo RM8, a version of the American Pratt & Whitney JT8D engine. The RM8 has been substantially redesigned, with new materials for Mach-2 flight, a Swedish-made afterburner and a fully adjustable nose.
In 1964, the construction of the first aircraft prototype began; in 1967 February 8 the first of the Eutual Sev prototypes flew on schedule.
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This first flight, which lasted 43 minutes, was conducted by Saab's chief test pilot Erik Dahlström, who reported that the prototype was easy to control. At the time, aerospace publication Flight International described the flight as "Sweden's spectacular one-way stand among the leaders of the Swedish aviation industry".
Each Sev prototype was assigned different roles, although the first aircraft were intended to support the development of the AJ37 production variant.
In 1967 The Swedish government concluded that the AJ 37 Vigg would be cheaper and superior to the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II.
In 1968 in April The Swedish government officially authorized Vigg production, ordering 175 Viggs that year.
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In 1969 in May, Wigg made his first appearance on Paris Airlines outside of Sweden.
After the first AJ 37 Vigg entered service, later Vigg variants were completed in design and production.
In 1972 The Swedish Air Force has introduced the first SK 37, a second stage operational trainer variant for the instructor.
In 1973 May 21 the first prototype of the SF 37 Vigg, a tactical reconnaissance variant, made its first flight with a modified nose to accommodate the millet.
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Although other variants replaced production in the 1960s, Saab continued to develop the JA version of the aircraft interceptor. In 1970, the Swedish air shortage was carefully studied and the future JA 37 Vigg was identified. suited the role perfectly.
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