Swedish Aircraft Carrier - Fortunately, this did not occur in actual combat, but was simulated as part of a war game involving an aircraft carrier task force including multiple anti-submarine escorts against the HSMS

This feat was replicated over and over again over two years of war games, with opposing destroyers and nuclear attack submarines surrendering to stealthy Swedish submarines. Naval analyst Norman Polmar said the

Swedish Aircraft Carrier

Swedish Aircraft Carrier

"run" around the American carrier task force. Another source said US anti-submarine specialists were "demoralized" by the experience.

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Elaborate anti-submarine warfare involving multiple ships and aircraft using multiple sensors? And above all, how it is quite

Submarine costing about $100 million, roughly the cost of an F-35 stealth fighter today, that can do that? After all, the US Navy retired its last diesel submarine in 1990.

Diesel submarines of the past were limited by the need to use noisy, air-guzzling engines, which meant they could only stay underwater for a few days before needing to surface. Naturally, a submarine is the most vulnerable and easiest to track when it surfaces, even with a snorkel. Submarines powered by nuclear reactors, on the other hand, do not require large air supplies to operate and can run more quietly for

However, the 200-foot-long Swedish Gotland-class submarine introduced in 1996 was the first to use an air-independent propulsion (AIP) system, in this case the Stirling engine. The Stirling engine charges the submarine's seventy-five kilowatt batteries

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At Stirling, a Gotland-class submarine can stay underwater for up to two weeks at an average speed of six miles per hour, or it can use battery power to climb up to twenty three miles per hour. A conventional diesel engine is used for surface operation or while using the snorkel. The Stirling engine

The Gotland-class possess many other characteristics that make them adept at avoiding detection. It mounted twenty-seven electromagnets designed to counteract its magnetic signature on magnetic anomaly detectors. Her body benefits from sonar-resistant coatings, while the tower is made of radar-absorbing materials. The machinery inside is fitted with sound-deadening rubber pads to reduce sonar detectability. The

It is also highly maneuverable thanks to six integrated operating surfaces on the rudder and X-shaped sails, which allow it to operate close to the seabed and make sharp turns.

Swedish Aircraft Carrier

As the Stealth Vessel proved to be the latest challenge for US anti-submarine ships in international exercises, the US Navy leased

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And her crew for two full years to conduct anti-submarine exercises. The results convinced the US Navy that its submarine sensors were simply no match for stealthy AIP boats.

This was only the first of many AIP-powered submarine designs, some of which had double underwater durability. And Sweden is not the only country that puts them.

China has two types of diesel submarines that use Stirling engines. Fifteen of the earlier Yuan Type 039A class were built in four different variants, with more than twenty more planned or under construction. Beijing also has a Type 032 Qing-class vessel that can stay submerged for thirty days. It is believed to be the largest operational diesel submarine in the world and boasts seven vertical launch system cells capable of firing cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.

She is an evolution of his mass-produced Kilo-class submarine. However, sea trials found that the cells provided only half of the expected production and the type was not approved for production. However, in 2013 the Russian Navy announced that it would build two heavily redesigned Ladas, the

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Other manufacturers of AIP diesel submarines include Spain, France, Japan and Germany. These countries in turn sold them to navies around the world, including India, Israel, Pakistan and South Korea. Submarines using AIP systems became larger, more heavily armed and more expensive types, including the German Dolphin-class submarines and the French Scorpene-class submarines.

The US Navy has no plans to deploy diesel submarines again, however, preferring to stick with nuclear submarines that cost several billion dollars. It is tempting to see him as the Pentagon once again chooses a more expensive weapons system over a cheaper alternative. Not this

Diesel submarines are ideal for patrolling near friendly shores. But US submarines off the coast of Asia and Europe have to travel

Swedish Aircraft Carrier

Miles just to get there, and then stay deployed for months at a time. A diesel submarine could travel that distance, but would then require frequent refueling at sea to complete a long deployment.

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? It was sent back to Sweden in a mobile dry dock instead of making the journey under its own power.

While the new AIP-equipped diesel subs can go weeks without going out, it's still not as good as it gets

Unnecessarily. Also, a diesel submarine, with or without AIP, cannot maintain high speed underwater for very long, unlike a nuclear submarine. A diesel submarine will be most effective when ambushing a hostile fleet whose location has already been "tagged" by friendly intelligence assets. However, the slow and sustained underwater speed of AIP-powered diesel submarines makes them less than ideal for pursuing prey in vast expanses of water.

These limitations are no problem for diesel submarines that operate relatively close to friendly bases, defending coastal waters. But while diesel submarines can be efficient while operating close to home, the US Navy generally isn't.

War Games: A Swedish Stealth Submarine Sank A U.s. Aircraft Carrier

However, the fact that you can build or buy three or four diesel submarines worth $500 million to $800 million each for the price of a nuclear submarine gives them an undeniable allure. Proponents argue that the United States could deploy diesel submarines at bases in allied countries, without addressing the political obstacles posed by nuclear submarines. In addition, advanced diesel submarines can serve as an efficient counterattack to the enemy's stealth submarine fleet.

However, the US Navy is more interested in pursuing the development of unmanned drone submarines. Meanwhile, China is working on long-term AIP systems using lithium-ion batteries, and France is developing a new AIP-equipped diesel submarine version of its Barracuda-class nuclear attack submarine.

The advent of cheap, stealthy, and long-range diesel submarines is another factor that puts aircraft carriers and other expensive surface warships at greater risk when operating near defended coasts. Diesel submarines benefiting from the AIP will serve as a lethal and cost-effective means of defending coastal waters, although it is less clear whether they will be able to carve out a role in blue-water naval forces that running away from their home.

Swedish Aircraft Carrier

Sébastien Roblin writes on the technical, historical and political aspects of security and international conflicts for publications including The National Interest, NBC News, Forbes.com and War is Boring. He holds a master's degree from Georgetown University and served in the Peace Corps in China. You can follow his articles on Twitter. This piece was originally featured in November 2016 and has been reissued due to reader interest. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, USS Ronald Reagan, can carry up to 90 aircraft aboard and boasts multiple radar systems, torpedo counter measures, and even electronic warfare. But a small diesel-powered submarine built for the Swedish Navy "went adrift" and sank her during the 2005 war games.

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Notably, the US Navy phased out its diesel submarines in the 1990s in favor of nuclear ones. Although costing only a few hundred million dollars, diesel submarines need air to burn their fuel and often have to float to replenish their air supplies. Even with a snorkel, detecting a diesel submarine is easier as it rises to the surface every few days. On the other hand, nuclear-powered submarines can stay underwater for much longer, surfacing only to replace necessary supplies for their crews. So, it makes sense to switch to nuclear powered submarines to maintain the element of surprise.

However, even as the United States switched to nuclear-powered submarines, Sweden continued to develop its own diesel-powered submarines. The Gotland class features silent Stirling engines that do not require air for their propulsion, allowing them to stay underwater for weeks when needed or switch to diesel power when traveling longer distances.

By charging the submarine's batteries, a navy unit can also conduct stealth operations without noise. Although nuclear-powered submarines have batteries, they need to run a coolant to keep the reactor temperature down, which could be a clue to their location. However, with a Stirling engine at her side, the Swedish submarine was able to carry out quieter operations, which proved fatal to the aircraft carrier, not once or twice but over two years, Business Insider reported.

Contributing to its success were other innovations in the design of the submarine such as sonar-resistant coatings on her hull, radar absorbers on her tower, slow-spinning propellers, sound-deadening buffers on her internal machinery, and 27 electromagnets that oppose in the detection of magnetic anomaly detectors. .

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With the ability to turn sharply and computerized steering that allows an operator to control depth and course, the submarine has more maneuverability than other submarines, making it more difficult to spot, following an attack . Following the exercise, the US Navy requested that the submarine be deployed with US forces to enhance their anti-submarine warfare which was then extended to

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